I enjoy reading Matthew 7:7-14 and Esther C:12, 14-16, 23-25. These passages remind me of the importance of prayer and God's eagerness to hear and answer them. Matthew tells us to seek and we shall find and ask and we shall be answered. To drive home his point, he establishes the willingness of imperfect humans to meet our obligations to our children. If as sinners we would do all we could for our children, then certainly God, which is perfect, would fulfill His promises to us.
One powerful example of God answering prayer is when Esther needed to find the strength to risk her life and appeal to a King to save her people. She prays that God will fulfill His promise and deliver her people. "As a child I used to hear from the books of my forefathers that you, O Lord, always free those who are pleasing to you. Now help me, who am alone and have no one but you, O Lord, my God. God hears her prayer, keeps His promise and gives Esther the courage, wisdom and cunning to convince the King to save her people and vanquish their enemies.
I know that God answers my prayers. I can think of many instances when I'm at an impasse and prayer opens a door, or times when I'm drained and after prayer I'm energized. God's blessings are all around and I know my life is highly favored.
I'm convinced that we can never pray too much. Because of this, I've started a Thursday morning prayer conference call. Each Thursday morning at 7am, you can participate by dialing 641 715 3200, pass code 941656#. I believe this is a great way for us to connect with each other, pray for our needs and those of others, and grow spiritually. Please call in and pray with me.
H. Art Taylor
Senior Warden
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